Register For An Event For: North District Cross Country Already registered? Login Now

2025 Cross Country

Congratulations your child has been selected by your school to trial to be part of the;

North District Cross Country Team.

Details for the trial are as follows:

Age:                 10-19 years          Boys and Girls

Date:               Wednesday 7th  May, 2025

Venue:            Pine Rivers Park, 125 Gympie Road, Strathpine

Time:               8:00am – 3:00pm approx. (course open from 7:30am for familarisation)

Food Vans:-    Boost Juice,Coffee Van & Snowcone, Eat Fresh Kebabs, Chipstars

Students will need:  Paperwork, lunch, water bottle, hat, sport wear.
Students are not permitted to run in spikes on this course.

Trial fee: As per online nomination (inc GST) This fee covers nomination, processing fee and take home named running bib


Step 1: Select Event, then select Option A and Option B below
Registrations Close: Thursday 17 April 2025 06:00 PM (AEST)
Minimum Age for Entry: 10
Event Date / Time: 07 May 2025 08:00

Event Details

2025 Cross Country

Congratulations your child has been selected by your school to trial to be part of the;

North District Cross Country Team.

Details for the trial are as follows:

Age:                   10-19 years     -    Boys and Girls

Date:                  Wednesday 7th May, 2025

Venue:               Pine Rivers Park, 125 Gympie Road, Strathpine

Time:                 8:00am – 3:00pm approx. (course open from 7:30am for familarisation)

Food Vans:       Boost juice, Chipstars, Coffee, Eat Fresh Kebabs, Snowcone 

Students will need:  Paperwork, lunch, water bottle, hat, sport wear.
*Students are not permitted to run in spikes on this course.

Trial fee: As per online nomination $10. This fee covers nomination, processing fee and take home named running bib


Nomination and Payment Due: 6pm Thursday 17th April, 2025

Please go to Timing Wizards Online website:


You will be required to use the  “athlete entry code” provided in your student information pack, to access the payment and complete registration.

This code is not to be shared with any other athlete or individual other than those who have been identified by their school as eligible to attend.

Athlete Entry Code: Provided in Student Information Pack

No Cash will be accepted at District Sport Trials.   

All details entered upon registration will be used for racing material – please ensure this is true and correct.  Race results will be published online during the event.  Please ensure that if you do not wish for your athletes details to be published, you must select “No” on the permission via the Timing Wizards registration.

Recommended Downloads

This Event requires Separate entry and waiver acknowledgement for each Athlete.

You will require an athlete entry code to save your details and enter the event.

This code is available on the student information package provided to you through your school sports coordinator.  This code is not to be shared with any other athlete or person.
If you have technical issues you can contact or call 0421124328 until 5pm daily.

Event Registration - Enter your Event Password
Step 2: Enter Your Registration Details

Participant Details

(At least one contact number must be entered below)

Medical Details and Emergency Contact

Additional Questions
Please read to the bottom of the waiver and then tick "I have read and understand the Waiver" to continue

Please read and understand the Competition Procedures - Acknowledge Below.

  1. Some age groups are combined but will be recorded, scored and selected separately.
  2. At regional cross country boys aged 18/19 run 8k and girls aged 18/19 run 6k. Due to the low numbers of students in these age groups we will run them at the 16/17 distance (6k for boys, 4k for girls) at our district carnival.
  3. The course will consist of a 1.5km loop and a 2k loop. The 2k events will be one lap of the 2k loop, the 3k events are 2 x 1.5km loops and the 4k and 6km events will be multiples of the 1.5k and 2km loop.
  4. Competitors who are lapped in the 2 lap events will be taken from the course to ensure the athletes safety and the program runs on time.
  5. The first 6 place getters will gain automatic selection in the Pine Rivers District Team in the 10-19 age groups for the Met North Carnival. 7th and 8th place will be discretionary places decided upon by two Convenors, PRDSS Executive Officer and DSO.  Students in 9th and 10th position are reserves, PRDSS will inform schools if they are to be called.

6.All students will be provided with electronic timing chips that are located on a bib.  These are to be pinned to the front of all competitors on their shirt / singlet. Approx. location around belly button area. 

  1. In the event of a false start, the Athlete(s) who false starts may be disqualified from the event. This shall be decided by the starter and/or referee. The race will not be stopped and the disqualified competitor(s) will be informed of the decision at the end of the race. The referee will inform the recorders of any disqualified competitors.
  2. To be lodged in writing within 10 minutes of the event in question on the official form for this purpose, by the Team Manager to the Carnival Convenor. Parents or other spectators who are not team officials are not permitted on the Course to participate in protest deliberations.
  3. Students who report after the event has been marshalled may not be permitted to compete.

Starting Positions

(a)On the command “Take your marks” Athletes to take a starting position and remain motionless.

(b) On the starting signal Go (Gun shot or siren).


The Department of Education has engaged Timing Wizards and Event Wizards as a third party organisation for the Pine Rivers District School Sport – Cross Country Championships.  Personal information may be disclosed to, used and published by Timing Wizards in accordance with the consent forms that are completed when the Student enters and within the Student Information Package.


The consent is until 31/12/2025 unless you decide to withdraw your consent.

Who to contact:
If you have any questions or wish to withdraw consent please contact;

Pine Rivers District Sport - Hayley Dean